Hari Stojan

HARALD STOJAN (*Austria 1993, he/him/xe/xim) lives and works inter Berlin and Vienna as dancer/performer, soundartist, somatic voice teacher and poet oscillating between dance/performance, contemporary music’s & fine arts.

Studies of audio engineering (SAE Vienna, 2014) and computer music and electronic media (MDW Vienna 2014 – 2017) in Vienna as well as dance at Tanzfabrik Berlin (2019) shape his output.

Core topics of his artistic production revolve around developing and queering affects and formats through utilising different media and expanding the conventional use of tools.
The use of voice and electronic sound are never far away from the dancing body in his work.

Artistic collaborations in Theatre, Architecture,Fashion & Dance – among others at Signature Theater New York/Broadway,Columbia University New York, TAKE Festival for Fashion Vienna, Actoral Festival Marseille and venues all over Vienna (Theater in der Drachengasse, Kabelwerk/Wien, WUK, EKH etc.) and Berlin (HAU, Uferstudios, Radialsystem, Spektrum, etc.).

Including work, research and output among others with Jeremy Wade, Simon Mayer, Sergiu Matis, Lavinia Vago, Roger Sala Reyner, Holly Herndon & Colin Self.


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