Author: admin

  • Eduardo Triviño Cely

    Eduardo Triviño Cely wurde 1990 in Bogota, Kolumbien geboren. Er lebt und arbeitet zwischen Kolumbien und Österreich.

  • Petra Mühlmann-Hatzl

    Mag.a Petra Mühlmann-Hatzl 1979 in Lienz/Osttirol geboren, bildende Künstlerin, Kunstcoach, Kunstvermilttlerin und Projektmanagerin. Petra Mühlmann-Hatzl ist Mutter zweier Kinder und lebt in Berndorf.

  • Gustavo Petek

  • Verena Mayrhofer

    Verena Mayrhofer lebt und arbeitet in Linz sowie Stadt Haag und studiert derzeit an der Kunstuniverität Linz im Masterlehrgang “Zeitbasierte Medien” Gezeigt wurden Ihre Arbeiten u.a. lab.30/Kulturhaus Abraxas Augsburg’19, Klangmanifeste/Echoraum Wien’18, data city, Centre des arts, Paris’17, digital design weekend /ACF London’16, Ars electronica festival’15, Crossing Europe film festival’15.

  • Martina Menegon

    Martina Menegon is an artist working with interactive and extended reality art. In her works, Martina creates intimate and complex assemblages of physical and virtual elements that explore the contemporary self and its synthetic corporeality. She experiments with the uncanny and the grotesque-including the self, the body, and the dialogue between the physical and virtual…

  • Luisa Paumann

    Luisa Paumann studied architecture at the Vienna University of Technology; study visits to Paris and New York. Dissertation at the Academy of Fine Arts (Vienna) and Sorbonne (Paris).

  • Bernd Kräftner

    Bernd Kräftner works as artist and researcher. As co-founder of “Shared Inc.” (Research Centre for Shared Incompetence), he is interested in messy interfaces between science and society. In various research projects he investigates socio-technical processes that change our everyday-life.

  • Edgar Honetschläger

  • Judith Fegerl

    Judith Fegerl, 2021 Österreichischer Skulpturenpark Universalmuseum Joanneum, A;2020 Lady Bluetooth.Hedy Lamarr, Jüdisches Museum, Wien, A; 2020 capture, Austrian Institute of Technology,

  • Kris De Decker

    Kris De Decker, Creator and author of “Low-tech Magazine”, a blog that is published in English, Dutch and Spanish.